

Prediction, Pattern & Sequences

🇬🇧 Create a sequence of Resources® in a row. Guide students to guess which piece is missing or comes next based on the sequence pattern. 🇫🇷 Créez une séquence de Resources® sur une ligne. Guidez les élèves pour qu’ils devinent…

Visual Memory Exercise

🇬🇧 Take a few pieces of Resources® and place them in front of the class. Once everybody can see and remember the details, cover the Resources® so they can no longer be seen. Guide students to pick up pieces from…

Observation Skills

🇬🇧 Visual Creation & Tactile Senses. Show one Resources® piece to the class and let the students observe it. Guide them to study the uniqueness of the shown piece, such as the form, size, and color. Assign students to find…

Matching & Grouping

🇬🇧 Take turns to choose pieces from the mixed pile of Resources®. Group the components by form and color. 🇫🇷 À tour de rôle, choisissez des pièces dans la pile mélangée de Ressources®. Regroupez les éléments par forme et par…

Forms & Colors Study

🇬🇧 Direct students to each choose one Resources® piece. Guide students to study forms and draw them with crayons. 🇫🇷 Demandez aux élèves de choisir chacun une pièce de Resources®. Guidez les élèves pour qu’ils étudient les formes et les…

Number & Counting

🇬🇧 Group matching pieces of Resources® in easy counting numbers. Guide the students to count the pieces in each group and learn numbers through tangible objects. Try to use mixed types of Resources® for a more advanced level. 🇫🇷 Regroupez…